Discover Rwanda youth Hostel is one of the initial hostel-style residential in Kigali and offers budget accommodation to all people worldwide. It enhances comfort and relaxation to all backpacker travelers around the world and also enables them to interact and meet other new people. It is strategically situated in the back yard of the great wall Chinese restaurant in Kacyiru with taxis/ motos at the front that will transport you to any destination of your choice around the country. There are also cafes with Wi-Fi (Magda, Shokola Lite, Cafe Neo) to make your movement and access very flexible. Our rooms are;
- Single- $30
- Double- $45
- Twin- $42
- Dorm-$15 to $19
- Camping: $9 (your own tent) and $11 (the hostel’s tent)
- Breakfast
- On site restaurant
- Kitchen
- Wi-Fi access
- Balcony
- Fully stocked bar